Conferences and Trainings
The conferences and the courses are a way to use my knowledge and my experience to serve the different realities of the attendees.
Les trois D de la fiscalité : réduisez votre facture d’impôt
Durée : 45 min
Suggested topics for conferences/trainings are, amongst others:
- The IQPF Projection Assumption Guidelines
- Retirement and its new realities
- Index investing using ETFs
- The 10 labours of your advisor
- Leaving a job : the impact on personal finances and retirement

Portfolio Management
It is our profound conviction that reaching your long-term financial goals relies on combining an advisory service and index investing. Index investing generally represents, amongst other things, a better diversification option than active management, also lower fees, and is more tax efficient for non-registered accounts.

Financial Planning
The different steps of a life cycle bring forward different reflections and conversations regarding goals to reach and challenges to overcome. The majority of the time this will have an impact on the personal finances and will deserve some planning, especially if you are part of many cycles (business, family and individuals). Achieving your financial goals starts with a good plan!

Conferences and Trainings
The conferences and the courses are a way to use my knowledge and my experience to serve the different realities of the attendees.